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52: 11 Questions with Jane Trapman

  1. What is your Elevenses beverage of choice?

  2. Tell me a little bit about yourself and your story.

  3. How do you balance your home life and your work life as a “parentpreneur”?

  4. As a personal question, just from me, how was the transition from one to two kids?

  5. What led you to decide to share your story, not only with me today, but in your other avenues like your podcast and social media?

  6. What good things and/or bad things have you experienced in response to the stories you have shared?

  7. How has your faith been impacted by your story, and vise-versa, how have your experiences impacted your faith journey?

  8. Do you have any practical tips, habits, or routines that help you live/tell/write a good story? 

  9. Who else has a story that has impacted you, who you might love to hear share their story on this podcast?

  10. What books/movies/shows have inspired you personally, creatively, and spiritually?

  11. Is there anything you want to add or reiterate from our conversation? Where can we find you and your work?

Meet Jane Trapman. She has fun with words and stories as a writer and podcast maker. When she's not working for clients, she loves to write her novels. Right now, she has published 2 novels (the series "Jels") and is working on another novel, expected in December 2024. She has a dream of making an end to reading literacy thanks to enjoyable and accessible content. Another passion of her is Born to Fly, hopefully soon the online place for Christian parents who are also part-time solopreneurs working from home. In her personal life, she's a mom of 2, a wife, a follower of Christ, and a sucker for Disney.

Find Keela on Instagram and Threads @kdsubcreations and check out her Substack.

Intro/Outro Music: Moments by Shane Ivers -

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Keela Dee Subcreations
Take a brew break with Keela Dee as she shares stories, 11 points at a time.