What is your Elevenses beverage of choice?
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your story.
What led you to write this book, Faith Storytellers?
How did you come up with the Faith Storyteller framework, and how did you find storytellers that fit that framework?
Why do you think it’s important to share our stories like you do in the book?
You share a lot of great tips in the book, but one I particularly love is keeping your story PG or PG-13. Why do you think that’s important?
What good things and/or bad things have you experienced in response to the stories you have shared?
How has your faith been impacted by your story, and vise-versa, how have your experiences impacted your faith journey?
Do you have any other practical tips, habits, or routines that help you live/tell/write a good story?
Who else has a story that has impacted you, who you might love to hear share their story on this podcast?
What books/movies/shows have inspired you personally, creatively, and spiritually?
Mackenzie Ryan Walters is the author of Faith Storytellers: Unleash the Power of Your Story, a compelling guide about how to craft and share your personal faith story to share. Mackenzie has 20 years of experience as a journalist, marketer, and ghostwriter. She founded StoryStruck Marketing, a boutique ghostwriting firm offering book outlining and ghostwriting services for business leaders. Find out more here.
Find Keela on Instagram and Threads @kdsubcreations and check out her website at
Intro Music: Moments by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com
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